Clever Use of Shapes and Colours
We are not interior designers but specialised in interior design photography. Over the years we have seen many designs and we thought they are nice and practical, in some instances.
We thought, since most of you are not interior designers like us, we speak the same language. Let us bring some of the designs we’ve come across and what we think about them.
This house designed by Luova Project Services has us impressed by the clever use of shapes and colours. With marble surface designs in the kitchen and the living room’s feature wall, the whole house looks sleek and exclusive. Matched with the use of track lights, woah got the atas feel.
Then when we take a look at the master bedroom, it changes the colour of the wall and uses the lights to create the shape on the wall. Hacked the wall partially to create a walk-in wardrobe for the couple.
In short, this house is quite atas and nice. Can copy the design for your own house if you like.
This house design is one interesting one to get inspired by for your next design works, isn’t it? Save these photos down and put them into your mood board for your home renovation design needs! If you’re looking for some interior design inspiration, check out our inspirations page to view the different designs done by various interior designers nicely organised for your reference needs. Simply save them down for your mood board, or show them to your interior designers.
If you need help with your own interior photography, don’t hesitate to contact us at Interior Photography SG. We would be more than happy to help you capture the beauty of your home!
If you are an interior designer or property agent, why not check out the page and packages that are specially designed for you at For Business Partners. Where we walk through with you our capabilities and why you need good photos for yourselves!